The Victorian Government, via the Game Management Authority (GMA), has announced arrangements for the 2025 duck hunting season. The duck season will open at 8am on Wednesday 19 March 2025 and closes 30 minutes after sunset on Monday 9 June 2025.
Throughout the season, hunting hours are from 8am until 30 minutes after sunset. The daily bag limit is nine game ducks per day. The Blue-winged Shoveler is listed as threatened species and cannot be hunted during the 2025 season.
Duck hunting is permitted in certain areas of GMW storages during the Victorian duck hunting season. Recreation areas and water distribution and irrigation assets are off limits to hunters.
Duck hunters need to be aware that private property can adjoin GMW land, waterways and storages, and are required to seek the consent of landholders to hunt or pass through private property. Hunters should respect private property and the rights of landowners and others not participating in duck hunting activities.
For more information, refer to the maps below.
Duck Hunting Maps
Lake Nillahcootie duck hunting map
Lake Nagambie and the water of Goulburn Weir duck hunting map
GMW and North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) have recently undertaken a feral eradication project, more information on the locations can be found on our general notice page.
Please note that public access for any purpose (including duck hunting) is prohibited along GMW’s channel system at all times.
Staying safe
GMW water storages are used by many people for a range of activities and it’s important that all visitors, including hunters, consider other members of the public and the environment by acting in a safe and responsible manner.
Hunters must not shoot in public recreational areas and around storage assets, even during duck hunting season.
For information on populous places and responsibilities under the Firearms Act 1996, visit the Victoria Police website , opens in a new window.
Remember to also be aware of weather and environmental conditions in the area you’re planning to visit – keep up to date with alerts and warnings at the Emergency Victoria website.
Please note that:
- Camping is not permitted on GMW managed foreshore or perimeter land (with the exception of commercial caravan parks and clubs)
- Campfires are not permitted in GMW reserves or foreshore and lakebed areas. Electric barbecues are available at some reserves (see map)
- No rubbish services are available in GMW managed recreation areas. Please take your rubbish home and dispose of appropriately.
- Duck hunting is not allowed along the GMW channel network at any time.
- Hunters should be aware that water levels may change depending on conditions. Stay up to date with water storage levels.
- Current blue-green algae alerts can be found at GMW’s blue-green algae page.
- Dogs are not permitted in water at GMW-managed storages as stated in the Water (Recreational Area) Regulations 2023
For more information about how to have a safe and successful duck season, visit the Game Management Authority website , opens in a new window.
- Irresponsible, unsafe or illegal behaviour related to duck hunting can be reported anonymously to the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Change by phoning 136 186.
- All firearms related issued or incidents should be reported to the Victoria Police by dialling 000.
GMW does not guarantee the suitability of its waterways and storages for hunting activities and reserves the right to withdraw any prior approval given in relation to the activity if it believes the operation of the storage, water quality and/or the safety of participants or other users may be compromised.