Carrying over unused water allocation

Understanding spillable water

When there is space in the storages, water entitlement users in the Murray, Goulburn and Campaspe systems may be able to carryover and store more water than their full water entitlement volume - this is referred to as "spillable water". We have put together some fact sheets on how spillable water works: 

What is spillable water?

How does spillable water affect you?

Calculating spillable water

Carryover refers to the arrangement that allows water entitlement holders to take their unused water allocation from this irrigation season, into next season. 

If you have unused water you wish to carryover, it’s important to link your allocation account to a water share, limited term transfer of a water share, or supply by agreement before 28 June 2024.

Carryover is available to water entitlement holders on the Campaspe, Goulburn and Murray systems, the Bullarook and Loddon systems, and the Broken system. The systems have slightly different carryover rules to match their specific entitlements and hydrology.

  • On the Campaspe, Goulburn and Murray systems water entitlement holders can carry over a maximum value equal to the water share linked to their allocation account.
  • The How carryover works on the Murray, Goulburn & Campaspe (opens in a new window) fact sheet, available on the Victorian Water Register website, provides additional information.
  • On the Bullarook and Loddon systems water entitlement holders can carry over a maximum volume equal to 50% of their high-reliability water share and 50% of their low-reliability water share.
  • On the Broken system water entitlement holders can carry over a maximum volume equal to 50% of their high-reliability water share only. 

Carryover is also available to groundwater water entitlement holders.

Groundwater carryover works in much the same way as water entitlement carryover, although it is limited to a percentage of the licence volume in each area:

  • Mid Loddon GMA - 30%
  • Mid Goulburn GMA - 20%
  • Lower Campaspe Valley GMA - 25%
  • Loddon Highlands GMA - 15%

Carryover is not available to water entitlement holders on the Ovens and King systems or in the Tungamah and Loddon water districts, where water storages are too small to support carryover.

Carryover explained video

Carryover Calculator

The carryover calculator (opens in a new window)available on the Victorian Water Register website can help water entitlement holders understand how the rules apply to their system.

More information