Pipelines: don’t let the pressure build

Thursday 10 October, 2024

We have recently had a few instances of people closing the air valves – such as the one pictured below – that run along many of our pipelines.

When these valves are closed, air can get trapped in the pipeline, which can cause a system failure. For the system to run properly, all air valves need to be turned on and working correctly.

We believe, in most instances, that pipeline customers or members of the public have closed the valves because they have seen small amounts of water leaking from them and believed closing them was the best course of action.

If you do see a valve that is leaking, we ask that rather than close it, you call GMW, so we can get one of our staff out to fix the problem.

During working hours, you can phone GMW on 1800 013 357. Otherwise, you can phone our 24-line on 1800 064 184.