Cairn Curran Reservoir

Water Storage Levels

Last Updated 22/02/2025
Current Volume 74982
Current AHD 203.64
% of Capacity 50.96
Capacity (ML) 147130
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

News and announcements

Current Cairn Curran Reservoir alerts

Welshmans Reef upgrades

Tuesday 7 January 2025
Access to Welshmans Reef will be temporarily restricted while repairs are undertaken on the boat ramp and car park.

Managing water levels at Cairn Curran Reservoir

Thursday 31 October 2024
Information about managing the storage level at Cairn Curran Reservoir.

About Cairn Curran Reservoir

There is current a blue-green algae warning for Cairn Curran Reservoir. Click here for further information.


Cairn Curran Reservoir was constructed between 1947 and 1956. The storage has a primary spillway, and a secondary spillway situated 2 km south‑west of the main structure that will spill before the embankment is overtopped.


Cairn Curran Reservoir was constructed to supply water for irrigation and domestic and stock use to customers along the Loddon River.

Supplements to the Goulburn supply system are available when resources are abundant.


Cairn Curran Reservoir is located on the Loddon River, about 10 km west of Maldon.

Cairn Curran Embankment Closure

GMW is required to manage the safety of the public when they visit the Cairn Curran embankment area, and the ongoing safe operation and maintenance of the storage assets including the embankment, spillway and tower, while also continuing to provide a duty of care to GMW staff while they are at work. To ensure this is achieved, GMW has implemented a public exclusion zone on the embankment immediately adjacent to the spillway at Cairn Curran Reservoir and a permanent fence has been installed.

The existing sealed road linking Cairn Curran Road to the Spillway Reserve will remain open for vehicles and pedestrians at designated times, to allow public access to the monument and spillway reserve.

Public access is being trialled from 6am to 8.30am and 4.30pm to 8pm Monday to Friday and from 9am to 8pm on Saturday and Sunday, in daylight hours. Please note this area may be closed during maintenance.

GMW acknowledges that this is a significant change for local residents and visitors and is committed to working with them to develop a suitable outcome that not only meets GMW’s safety and operational requirements but also continues to delivers a functional recreational space for visitors.

For more information on the embankment closure and community engagement, please head to  Cairn Curran embankment closure webpage, opens in a new window.

Facts & Figures

Name Cairn Curran Reservoir
Stream Loddon River
Year of Completion 1956
Construction Earth and Rockfill
Full Supply Level 208.46 m AHD
Capacity 147,130 ML
Area Submerged 1,943 ha
Main Embankment Length 656 m
Main Embankment Height 44 m
Hydro-electric Generation 2.0 MW

Recreation and Tourism at Cairn Curran Reservoir

Facilities Available

Large Grassed Area Large Grassed Area
Car Parking Car Parking
Boat Ramp Boat Ramp
Playground Equipment Playground Equipment
Fishing Fishing
Camping Camping
Toilets Toilets
Please observe all signs and directions around our storages for information on recreational activities. Refer to the Land and On-Water Management Plan (if provided above) for detailed information on the facilities available.

Further Information

A wide range of recreational activities are permitted at Cairn Curran Reservoir.  These include boating (power and sail), skiing, fishing, wind surfing, jet skiing and canoeing.

The recreational facilities available include picnic areas, toilet facilities, boat ramps, electric and wood barbeques, rubbish bins and shelters.  There are two Caravan Parks that rely on this storage for their patronage.

Operating levels have been introduced at Cairn Curran Reservoir that best reflect the need to adjust the boat zoning rules as required in the interests of public safety.


Please Remember

  • No camping or fires allowed on GMW foreshore land.
  • Confine vehicles and motor bikes to formed public roads.
  • Take your rubbish home.

Cairn Curran Reservoir is a beautiful and valued resource, both locally and regionally.

  • camping and campfires are prohibited in GMW reserves and on foreshore and lakebed areas
  • electric barbecues are available at some reserves (see map below)
  • refer to your local council for landfill services and consider the environment when disposing of your litter. Penalties apply for illegal dumping of rubbish
  • don’t take plants from the foreshore, or bring any in
  • don’t feed the animals or wildlife, or interfere with their habitats
  • boat wash can cause erosion, keep to 5 knots within 50 metres of the water’s edge
  • vehicles and trail bikes are only allowed on public roads within the reserve
  • all vehicles and trail bikes must be registered and users must be licenced
  • keep the waterway healthy by not using soap, toothpaste or detergent in the lake
  • dogs must be on a lead and/or under control at all times and aren’t allowed in the lake. Please clean up after your pets.'

View the Water (Recreational Area) Regulations 2023 

Local boating rules are posted at all public boat ramps.

  1. Launching and retrieving vessels must occur from the designated boat ramp/s.
  2. To avoid congestion, complete any preparation prior to launching, or when returning from the water, away from the ramp.
  3. Parking is only permitted in designated areas.
  4. Ensure all safety equipment is on the vessel and operational, and that lifejackets are always worn.
  5. Be aware and comply with all waterway vessel operating zones.
  6. Always keep a lookout for waterway hazards and operate your vessel in line with weather and waterway conditions.
  7. Ensure no one is in or on the vessel when moving to and from the ramp.
  8. Shade structures are not permitted within 50 metres of either side of boat ramps.
  9. Stay clear of dam infrastructure.

Don't forget your Water Smarts

Late spring and early summer is best to find Golden Perch, Brown Trout, Murray Cod and Redfin at Cairn Curran.

Local anglers advise that using yabbies as bait on a running sinker can increase your chances of catching Redfin.

For the latest information on fishing in Victoria, contact Fisheries Victoria on  136 186, and don’t forget your Recreational Fishing Licence!

Cairn Curran is a popular spot for power boating, personal water craft, sailing, rowing and canoeing. The Cairn Curran Sailing Club holds regular events between October and April.

Vessels can be launched from public boat ramps around the reservoir (see map).

A 5 knot speed limit applies at any level within 50 metres of the water's edge; other vessels, navigation aids, swimmers and fixed or floating structures; and within 100 metres of vessels displaying a dive flag.

Keep a lookout at all times for hazards and other vessels.

Refer to the  Victorian Recreational Boating Safety Handbook at the transport Victoria website.

Operating levels

The operating levels are as follows:

Click on a map to open a larger version

Operating level 1        

When the storage level is above 200.00mAHD (28% capacity) normal boat zoning rules apply.

Cairn Curran Boating guide Level 2, link opens in a new window

Operating level 2

When the storage level is between 199.99 mAHD (28% capacity) and 196.00mAHD (13% capacity) the following rules will apply:

  • All operators must observe all the buoyed boating zones
  • Operation of all vessels at a speed above five knots is restricted to the open waters known as Tower Bay.

  Cairn Curran Boating guide Level 2, link opens in a new window

Operating level 3

When the storage level falls below 196.00mAHD (13% capacity) the reservoir will be closed to all vessels operating at a speed in excess of five knots.

Cairn Curran Boating guide Level 3, link opens in a new window

Boat ramp operating levels

This table shows at what level boat ramps at Cairn Curran can be used. The percentage indicates the lowest the storage can get before the ramp becomes unusable.
Boat ramp Operational when storage is above
Woolshed Bay North 26.7%
Woolshed Bay South 33.3%
Tower Bay 2%
Picnic Point 20.9%
Weslhmans Reef 48.3%

The water in Cairn Curran Reservoir is owned by GMW customers, who produce food and fibre, supply towns and businesses downstream of the storage, and protect and improve environmental waterway health. 

Visitors need to be conscious of potential hazards and consider their own safety and the safety of other users at all times. Water levels (high or low) can prompt increased safety measures, and changes to access for recreational areas and boating. Safety information and alerts will be signposted at public areas and boat ramps.

 Boating rules at Cairn Curran may change depending on water level.

  • Level 1 (normal water levels) is above 28% capacity and normal boat zoning rules apply
  • Level 2 (low water levels) is between 28% capacity and 13% capacity, and means those travelling above five knots are restricted to the waters at Tower Bay and south of a line of buoys running parallel to the main embankment
  • Level 3 (very low water levels) is below 13% capacity, and this means the reservoir is closed to vessels operating at a speed above five knots.

Refer to the Guide to Vessel Operating and Zoning Rules for Victorian watersand current water level information.

At times, the level of blue-green algae in storages can exceed safe limits. When this happens you should avoid direct contact with the water as the algae can cause;

  • skin rashes
  • itchiness
  • sore eyes, ears and nose
  • nausea.

If unsafe levels occur, warning signs will be positioned at major recreational areas.

Online Blue-green algae warnings are available or by calling the 24 hour GMW blue-green algae hotline on  (03) 5826 3785.

Camping at Cairn Curran Reservoir is only allowed in commercial caravan and holiday parks located around the water storage (see map). 

In addition to the parks there are plenty of B&Bs and holidays houses available year round. Visit the  Maldon Castlemaine website for more information.

GMW’s lakes, dams and reservoirs are ideal places for events. Find out more about hosting an  event at one of our storages.

Facilities Map

Detailed map of the facilities at the Cairn Curran water storage

All visitors are asked to be aware of the dangers associated with low water levels and exercise caution.

All recreation areas and toilet facilities are accessible to the public, except the Spillway recreation area, which has no water.  As the season progresses, it may become increasingly difficult to provide access to recreation areas and toilet facilities if we are unable to supply water to them.

For more information on Cairn Curran Reservoir please  call the information line on (03) 5475 3900.

 If you require a printable version of recreation information at Carin Curran Reservoir, please phone GMW on 1800 013 357 and quote the reference A500374.

Cairn Curran
Cairn Curran