Lake Eildon

Water Storage Levels

Last Updated 20/01/2025
Current Volume 2640916
Current AHD 283.36
% of Capacity 79.21
Capacity (ML) 3334158
Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan
Current Eildon Alerts

Managing water levels at Lake Eildon

Thursday 16 January 2025
Information about managing the storage level at Lake Eildon.

There is currently a blue-green algae warning for Lake Eildon. Visit the Goulburn Murray Blue-green Algae Alerts for further information.

About Lake Eildon

Lake Eildon is one of the state's most important inland waterways, supplying about 60% of the water used in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District.

The lake is also used by 25 per cent of all Victorian inland boaters visiting each year. 

A two-hour drive from Melbourne, Lake Eildon is surrounded by national parks and is known as the the gateway to the high country.


Harnessing the river catchments in the vicinity of the present Lake Eildon began in the early 1900s. Development of this water resource was undertaken by the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission (SR&WSC) to provide irrigation water for what was a vast uncultivated area on Victoria's northern plains. This region has since developed into the largest area of irrigated farmland in Australia and is known as the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District (GMID).

Construction of the original storage, which was known as Sugarloaf Reservoir, took place between 1915 and 1929. It was modified in 1929, and again in 1935 to increase the storage capacity to 377,000 ML. However, this reservoir was still limited in its capacity to meet the growing demand for water in the Goulburn Valley and to protect farmers during drought years.

Following a detailed feasibility study of all possible storage sites on the Goulburn River, it was decided that the existing dam site was the most suitable for construction of a larger dam. In 1951, work began to enlarge the storage to its present capacity (3,334,158 ML) which is six times the size of Sydney Harbour. The enlargement was completed in 1955 and the storage was renamed Lake Eildon.

The enlargement plans also considered Victoria's electricity needs. The original 15 MW hydro-electric generation capacity at the Sugarloaf Reservoir was increased to 120 MW through the installation of two 60 MW turbines. The oldest turbines were renovated in 2001 to provide a generation capacity of 135 MW.


Since construction of Dartmouth Dam, the Goulburn and Murray components of the GMID have been operated separately with regard to water allocations for irrigators. The capacity of Lake Eildon has been designed to allow for irrigation supplies to be provided over at least two drought seasons. Although not intended as a flood control storage, Lake Eildon does have considerable potential to mitigate floods in the Goulburn River, downstream of the storage.

Operation of the power station during the irrigation season (August to May) is governed mainly by release of water to meet irrigation demands, but it may also be operated during winter and spring when flood releases can be used to generate electricity. The power station can also be used to meet short term emergency power needs resulting from industrial disputes or plant breakdown elsewhere in the State's power grid. A 5,200 ML pondage below the dam temporarily detains water discharged from the power station and regulates releases downstream to minimise variations in flow due to intermittent power generation. In 1995 a small hydro-electric station with 4.5 MW output was installed on the pondage.


Eildon storage and flow advisory information phone service

Eildon storage and flow advisory recorded service (03) 5774 3928.

Facts & Figures

Name Lake Eildon
Stream Goulburn and Delatite Rivers
Year of Completion 1956
Construction Earth and Rockfill
Full Supply Level 288.9 m AHD
Capacity 3,334,158 ML
Area Submerged 13,832 ha
Main Embankment Length 1,085 m
Main Embankment Height 84.5 m
Hydro-electric Generation 135 MW

Recreation and Tourism at Lake Eildon

Facilities Available

Large Grassed Area Large Grassed Area
Car Parking Car Parking
Boat Ramp Boat Ramp
Fishing Fishing
Camping Camping
BBQ - Woodfired BBQ - Woodfired
Toilets Toilets
Please observe all signs and directions around our storages for information on recreational activities. Refer to the Land and On-Water Management Plan (if provided above) for detailed information on the facilities available.

Further Information

GMW’s lakes, dams and reservoirs are ideal places for events. Find out more about hosting an  event at one of our storages.

Lake Eildon is one of Victoria's most popular holiday resorts.  It has 515 km shoreline and stores six times as much water as Sydney Harbour at full supply level.  Abutting the lake is the Lake Eildon National Park .  Eildon has been a popular holiday destination for many years and is home to a substantial houseboat fleet.  In spring and summer, the lake's long quiet reaches and deep waters attract trout fisherman, water skiers and houseboaters.  The lake has both public and private harbours where hundreds of craft are moored.

Water sports are very popular at Lake Eildon due to its large surface area and extensive shoreline which is accessible by boat. Common activities include boating, swimming and fishing. Releases from the Snobs Creek Fish Hatchery ensure that the lake is well stocked with trout and other native fish.

Facilities around the lake include caravan parks, camping grounds, motels, houseboat hire and services, picnic areas and public boat ramps.

Please Remember

  • No camping or fires allowed on GMW foreshore land.
  • Confine vehicles and motor bikes to formed public roads.
  • Take your rubbish home.

Lake Eildon is a beautiful natural resource. You can help care for the lake so it can be enjoyed now and into the future.

  • camping and campfires are prohibited in GMW reserves and on foreshore and lakebed areas
  • electric barbecues are available at some reserves (see map below)
  • refer to your local council for landfill services and consider the environment when disposing of your litter. Penalties apply for illegal dumping of rubbish
  • don’t take plants from the foreshore, or bring any in
  • don’t feed the animals or wildlife, or interfere with their habitats
  • boat wash can cause erosion, keep to 5 knots within 50 metres of the water’s edge
  • vehicles and trail bikes are only allowed on public roads within the reserve
  • all vehicles and trail bikes must be registered and users must be licenced
  • keep the waterway healthy by not using soap, toothpaste or detergent in the lake
  • dogs must be on a lead and/or under control at all times and aren’t allowed in the lake. Please clean up after your pets.

View the Water (Recreational Area) Regulations 2023 

Local boating rules are posted at all public boat ramps.

  1. Launching and retrieving vessels must occur from the designated boat ramp/s.
  2. To avoid congestion, complete any preparation prior to launching, or when returning from the water, away from the ramp.
  3. Parking is only permitted in designated areas.
  4. Ensure all safety equipment is on the vessel and operational, and that lifejackets are always worn.
  5. Be aware and comply with all waterway vessel operating zones.
  6. Always keep a lookout for waterway hazards and operate your vessel in line with weather and waterway conditions.
  7. Ensure no one is in or on the vessel when moving to and from the ramp.
  8. Shade structures are not permitted within 50 metres of either side of boat ramps.
  9. Stay clear of dam infrastructure.

Don't forget your Water Smarts

Lake Eildon is one of Victoria's most popular freshwater fishing destinations for Redfin, Perch, Murray Cod and Trout. Fisheries Victoria keeps the lake and pondage stocked, so there's always a fish or two to be caught.

Try the Eildon pondage for a great day's fishing, with a purpose built pier and floating jetty with disability and wheelchair access.

For the latest information on fishing in Victoria, contact Fisheries Victoria on  136 186, and don’t forget your Recreational Fishing Licence!

GMW wishes to remind owners of their responsibilities when bringing dogs onto GMW recreational areas. There has been past reports of dogs attacking wildlife and also being a nuisance to other boat owners. When a dog is within a GMW recreational area they must be:

  • Under proper control on a leash; and
  • Effectively restrained from causing injury or annoyance to people, damage or interference to property and disturbance or injury to wildlife.

Parks Victoria have also asked us to remind all visitors that dogs are prohibited within all of Lake Eildon National Park with the exception of the Parks Victoria camping area at Jerusalem Creek.

Off Road driving and trail bike riding is only permitted on formed roadways that are above the lake full supply level and open to the public.   All vehicles must be roadworthy, registered and you must be fully licensed.  Off road driving and trail bike riding is not permitted on the exposed areas of the shores or the lake bed or in the National Park. 

Lake Eildon is the only reservoir in Victoria where houseboats and cabin cruisers, with accomodation, can operate under licence or permit.

Hire and drive house boating is a great way for the family to see Lake Eildon and play with 13,000 hectares of water, there's plenty of room to play. 

There are 10 public boat ramps located around the lake (see map).

A 5 knot speed limit applies at any level within 50 metres of the water's edge; other vessels, navigation aids, swimmers and fixed or floating structures; and within 100 metres of vessels displaying a dive flag.

Keep a lookout at all times for hazards and other vessels.

Refer to the  Victorian Recreational Boating Safety Handbook at the transport Victoria website.

Boating Victoria ramp cameras

Boating Victoria ramp camera photos are automatically updated every five minutes. The images are to give an indication of how busy the ramp and carpark may be and are displayed at a resolution not to reveal boat ramp user identities.
These pages also include information such as weather conditions, maps and alerts.



Boat ramp operating levels

This table shows at what level boat ramps at Lake Eildon can be used. The percentage indicates the lowest the storage can get before the ramp becomes unusable.
Boat ramp Operational when storage is above
Eildon Alliance Ramp - high level ramp 1 59.3%
Eildon Alliance Ramp - low level ramp 2 26%
Eildon Alliance Ramp - low level ramp 3 14.9%
Jerusalem Creek - public no 1 48%
Jerusalem Creek - public no 2 8.8%
Fraser Park - devils cover 62%
Fraser Park - main ramp 39.4%
Fraser Park - lakeside 11.2%
Peppin Point - caravan park ramp 1  58.2%
Peppin Point - caravan park ramp 2 38%
Kennedy Point - high level 56%
Kennedy Point - mid level 43.9%
Kennedy Point - low level 30.4%
Bonnie Doon - public ramp no 1 84.2%
Bonnie Doon - public ramp no 2 57.6%
Hutchinsons Road - public ramp 41.6%
Hutchinsons Road - lakeside caravan park 37.9%
Hutchinsons Road - low level ramp 25.47%
Goughs Bay - public ramp 1 78.5%
Goughs Bay - public ramp 2 86.7%
Goughs Bay - public ramp 3 N/A
Goughs Bay - public ramp 4 62.1%
Goughs Bay - public ramp 5 59.7%
Goughs Bay - public ramp 6 41.6%
Goughs Bay - public ramp 7 21.2%
Goughs Bay - public ramp 8 21.65%
Howqua Valley Caravan Park - high level ramp 62.7%
Howqua Valley Caravan Park - low level ramp 24.3%
Jamieson - high level ramp 78.6%

GMW's customers use the water in our storages to produce food and fibre, supply towns and businesses, and protect and improve waterway health.

Visitors need to be conscious of potential hazards and consider their own safety and the safety of other users at all times. Water levels (high or low) can prompt increased safety measures, and changes to access for recreational areas and boating.

Safety information and  alerts will be signposted at public areas and boat ramps.

Find out more about   current water level information.

At times, the level of blue-green algae in storages can exceed safe limits. When this happens you should avoid direct contact with the water as the algae can cause;

  • skin rashes
  • itchiness
  • sore eyes, ears and nose
  • nausea.

If unsafe levels occur, warning signs will be positioned at major recreational areas.

Online Blue-green algae warnings are available or by calling the 24 hour GMW blue-green algae hotline on  (03) 5826 3785.

Camping at Lake Eildon is only allowed in commercial caravan parks and designated camping areas located around the lake (see map). 

Fires and camping are not permitted in any area around Lake Eildon, except in the designated camping areas.  Unregulated campfires are not only a potential hazard for bushfires, but also pose a risk to water quality along with discarded rubbish from camping activities. To minimize these impacts, Parks Victoria provides defined areas where camping and fires are permitted. Visit the Victorian Park Web website or phone 131 963 for further information.

On declared days of Total Fire Ban all solid fuel campfires, portable gas appliances and kerosene lanterns are prohibited.

This includes all gas stoves, gas lights, and gas fridges (including use inside tents).  Fixed gas stoves may be used in houseboats with extreme caution. For information on fire and Total Fire Ban requirements Visit the CFA website (Fires & Incidents Warnings & Advice) or phone the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (VBIL): 1800 240 667.     

For more information visit the Safe Transport Victoria website.

Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Accommodation

For information on local camping grounds, caravan parks and accommodation, please contact the local tourist information centre.

Lake Eildon is the only reservoir in Victoria where houseboats and cabin cruisers with sleeping accommodation are permitted.  To prevent the risk of water pollution, strict rules regarding sanitation must be observed.  Such craft are required to have sewage holding tanks and be licensed by Goulburn-Murray Water.  There are sanitation stations for pumping out sewage from the holding tanks of houseboats.   Goulburn-Murray Water sanitation barges are located at Point Worner and Jerusalem Creek.  Sewage is pumped from these points to on shore treatment systems.  It is an offence to discharge sewage or garbage into the Lake .

Visitors are reminded that there are dangers associated with low water levels and are asked to exercise caution and adhere to all safety restrictions.  

For more information on Houseboats on Lake Eildon, please visit the Lake Eildon Houseboat webpage.

For more information on jetties please visit our  Occupation Licences page.

GMW’s lakes, dams and reservoirs are ideal places for events. Find out more about hosting an  event at one of our storages.



Facilities Map

Lake Eildon facilities map
A map of facilities available at Lake Eildon

If you require a printable version of recreation information at Lake Eildon, please phone GMW on 1800 013 357 and quote the reference A5000361.

Lookout on Eildon from Jamieson Road October 2013
Lookout on Eildon from Jamieson Road October 2013